Freshen up your frames!
My favorite eyewear repair service, Northwest Frame Repair, shared this on their blog and I couldn’t have put it better myself! Thank you to Tiffany Tolle-Liberty, ABOC, LDO! See the original post HERE!
The maintenance checklist includes various things such as a deep cleaning, changing the old dirty nosepads, temple tips and even screws when applicable. After months and years of wear most eyeglasses are also in dire need of a proper adjustment. It is a good idea to have your glasses adjusted periodically by an Optician so they fit comfortably and don’t fall of your face!
Even if you haven’t had a dramatic incident occur, your frames can get out of shape from just the normal wear and tear of everyday life. Taking them on and off, putting them in your shirt, wearing them on your head and so on can stretch them out or tweak them just enough so that they do not fit like they should. Most of us also don’t realize just how dirty our glasses can become after long term wear.
Often times it’s the little things can get overlooked in our day to day lives. Here are a few tips on how you can make a huge impact on your frames overall look and feel. Routine maintenance on your eyewear can make a world of difference. Sometimes frames just need a cleaning and a minor face lift with the changing out of a few key pieces of hardware.
This image illustrates the importance of having your nosepads replaced on a regular basis. You may not even realize they look like this. Often times your nosepads get slippery due to skin oils, makeup, sweat, etc. causing your frames to slide down your nose. Irritation due to bacterial build-up can also be a consideration. Nosepads come in a variety of sizes, materials and styles so they can be replaced with the closest match or a new type. Get rid of those old nasty worn pads and get some fresh new ones!
Broken screws, incorrect screws, poorly mounted nosepads, cracked temple tips, we see it all. Temple tips can become discolored, cracked and just generally gunky. Luckily they can be replaced so there is no need to let them even get to this point. The most common replacement temple tip colors are black, brown and clear but there are also some specialty temple tips that come in a variety of colors.
Your eyeglasses deserve some love every now and again. Make sure to take care of your frames and if they need a little extra attention, make an appointment with me to give those frames a little TLC!