The 3 Rs and Glasses!


What don’t you use your glasses for? 

Definitely reading, writing, and most likely arithmetic.  Maybe right now you’re busy doing taxes or catching up on the latest, greatest American novel. You know your glasses help with distance activities like driving, and watching movies, baseball games or your children’s ballet recital, but did you consider you might need a different pair of glasses for near activities?

Whatever you’re using your eyes for, take note if you’re struggling. Over time, your eyes may find it more difficult to accommodate for close activities. You might need some simple reading or computer glasses, or you may need to visit an eye doctor for a full prescription. 

Most of us find great benefit from having a custom prescription, even in reading glasses.  Sometimes those over-the-counter readers just don’t cut it anymore. If you’ve been having trouble finding the right power at the drugstore it may be because each eye needs a different strength or correction for astigmatism. And you won’t find that in over-the-counter reading glasses! Come in and try reading glasses with optical quality lenses, or let me fill your custom prescription.  You’ll be glad you did!

**And even though we call them “readers,” they’re really all-purpose glasses for near activities like sewing, quilting, cooking, hobbies and crafts…the list goes on!


Goodbye to glare


Ready for school